Nico Commissions!!!!!
That's right! I'm taking
CARTOON COMMISSIONS, folks. Help me survive in this jungle we call Los Angeles! Want something fun drawn by ME, just for YOU? Caricatures, cute girls, famous Hollywood characters? Contact me via email through my blogger profile, and let's talk! Prices will be determined by the subject and medium desired.
(psst... I'm pretty flexible!)Here's a
just-finished commissioned piece that Darby hired me for. Thanks for the work, man!

More from the genius of
Ben!! Below is Katie Rice and I, straight outta Ben's cartoon world!! He drew the roughs, but the characters below I inked myself, just for fun!

And, here's my contribution from a few months ago to the Our Hospitality blog... the theme was "target practice". So here's what I drew. Ha, ha. Ha?
SO if you like my art and want some made just for you, drop me a line! Okay enough business, PARTY TIME!!!!!Katie and Luke had a shindig at their house last night!!! We watched bad movies (IMMORTAL COMBAT!!!), admired Ricky's long curly hair, and ate pizza and Katie's homemade world-famous sausage puffs. Deee-licious!

Also, I was in for MORE bday surprises! Take a look what Katie drew for me!! I DIED when she handed this to me.

How spectacular is this? Skadi drinking with my character, Debbie!! My knees got weak and I almost dropped when I held this genius piece!! Katie, you are too kind!!!
CHRISTINE!!! Oops, I mean,
Miss Withers! ;) She created TWO fabulous pieces for me:

This is so much better-looking in person! My scanner is OLD and SUCKS, so all the colors here (not to mention that big annoying digital smudge taking up the left side) aren't doing these justice!! But still, I was completely starstruck that Miss Withers took the time to make these for little ol' me. Thank you Mama W!

David Gemmill tries to hide the wrath of my camera.

Look here! A masterpiece by the one, the only,
Gabe Swarr! This was a complete surprise, and I wouldn't ever expect that a cartoon bigshot like Gabe would be so nice to make something for a nobody like me! This RULES Gabe! I hope between gasps of air from being so starstruck, I got a chance to thank you enough when you presented this to me. In a fancy manilla envelope, no less!

Also, this is something
Shawn drew for me LAST year! I just found it and realized I NEVER scanned it! So here it is, in all of it's 1-year old glory!! HAHAHA, THANKS BUDDY!

Finally, here we see Katie finally being united with her Skadi painting that Ben made for her! She LOVES it. In fact, they went to bed together shortly after this photo was taken. HEY-O! Too much information? G'night everybody!