Wow- you like them, you really like them!
I'm kind of overwhelmed how much everyone likes Scribble and Skarfy! I only created them a couple months ago, but a few of my pals have created fanart for them! I'd love to share them here.
This below is by
Jenny and it's incredible! Realistic Skarfy! Haha, awesome! And yes, she's reading Twilight!
Kali takes on the girls! Sooo cute. Plus hand-drawn on paper!! This is definitely going on my wall.

BONUS! Kali sketch pre-markered!
Ben Ben Ben!!! His Skarfys are so adorable and his Scribble kicks ass! Love the detail in her hair. Ben also went the extra mile and drew what Skarfy MIGHT look like behind her scarf! Haha, nice!

Aww, it's Skarfy
Katie-fied!! What makes this even cooler is the "Disney Television Animation" print at the top. It looks like behind-the-scenes art for a Scribble and Skarfy series on Disney Channel or something. haha!!

THESE two below are real treats, by the wonderfully cute stylings of
Cheyenne! How awesome is this below??

And not one, but TWO fanarts! Hooray! Look at them dance! Also, you nailed their floppy boobies. Thanks Chenny!!

Thank you EVERYONE! The girls thank you too!