Shawn has done it again.
This drawing makes me crap my pants with D'LITE -


This is from a little while ago but I don't think I ever put it up here! From my wonderful Kali. I looove this.

From my friend Ben... I'm in Jo the Faux's world!!

OOOH! Take a look at these surprise drawings David gave to me!!


here comes the next amazing cartoonist who loves to draw penis caricatures: Brie!!!

WADE did a friggin awesome charcoal drawing of me for his class!

and finally, Justin gives me a dirty prank. OUCH! This makes my nuts hurt dude.

Thank you everyone!!!!! You're all so nice to me.
and check out OUR HOSPITALITY, an art blog that myself and a few friends have been sharing for a little while now. Lots of kickass artwork!! Visit now.